Our Testimony


Salvation & Calling

Rick trusted Jesus Christ as his personal Savior when he was 12 years old. A year later God called him to go into full-time Christian service in missions. Not knowing which field God wanted him to go to, he endeavored to complete high school and go to Shawnee Baptist College.

During his junior year, God laid on his heart the field of Scotland. The country that used to send out its own missionaries was now the country in need of them. He accepted the call and has been pursuing that goal ever since.

Preparation & Ministry

Rick and Sarah both graduated from Shawnee Baptist College (Rick with a Pastoral Theology degree; Sarah with a Secondary Education in English & Music degree). They were ordained and sent out of Shawnee Baptist Church in Louisville, KY in September of 2014 and started making calls for meetings. They went full-time in February of 2015 and reached 33% by the end of their first year. They partnered with BIMI as their mission board since December 2014. 

Being in God’s will has been a life-long desire for both Rick and Sarah. They are confident that church planting in Scotland is God’s will for their lives.

Our Mission


With a desire to fulfill the great commission of Jesus Christ, and in effort to reach Scotland with the gospel, we seek to focus on these four areas:


Working with Veteran Missionaries

By working closely with veteran missionaries, we hope to glean from their experience as we actively engage in gospel ministry.


Learning the Culture

In order to be an effective witness to the people of Scotland, we aspire to fully immerse ourselves in their native culture.


Gospel Saturation

As we are mentored by veterans and immersed in Scottish life, we will, by God's grace and help, proclaim the gospel as we go.

Church Planting

Church Planting

In an effort to allow the gospel to flourish under God's kingdom rule, we will plant local churches with each covenant community of believers God allows us to reach.

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Shawnee Baptist Church

Sending Church

2214 Bank St
Louisville, KY 40212

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Open Door Baptist Church

Kincorth Circle
Kincorth, Aberdeen AB12 5NX

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